155 research outputs found

    Alon's Nullstellensatz for multisets

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    Alon's combinatorial Nullstellensatz (Theorem 1.1 from \cite{Alon1}) is one of the most powerful algebraic tools in combinatorics, with a diverse array of applications. Let \F be a field, S1,S2,...,SnS_1,S_2,..., S_n be finite nonempty subsets of \F. Alon's theorem is a specialized, precise version of the Hilbertsche Nullstellensatz for the ideal of all polynomial functions vanishing on the set S=S_1\times S_2\times ... \times S_n\subseteq \F^n. From this Alon deduces a simple and amazingly widely applicable nonvanishing criterion (Theorem 1.2 in \cite{Alon1}). It provides a sufficient condition for a polynomial f(x1,...,xn)f(x_1,...,x_n) which guarantees that ff is not identically zero on the set SS. In this paper we extend these two results from sets of points to multisets. We give two different proofs of the generalized nonvanishing theorem. We extend some of the known applications of the original nonvanishing theorem to a setting allowing multiplicities, including the theorem of Alon and F\"uredi on the hyperplane coverings of discrete cubes.Comment: Submitted to the journal Combinatorica of the J\'anos Bolyai Mathematical Society on August 5, 201

    Some extensions of Alon's Nullstellensatz

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    Alon's combinatorial Nullstellensatz, and in particular the resulting nonvanishing criterion is one of the most powerful algebraic tools in combinatorics, with many important applications. In this paper we extend the nonvanishing theorem in two directions. We prove a version allowing multiple points. Also, we establish a variant which is valid over arbitrary commutative rings, not merely over subrings of fields. As an application, we prove extensions of the theorem of Alon and F\"uredi on hyperplane coverings of discrete cubes.Comment: Inital submission: Thu, 24 Mar 201

    Shattering-extremal set systems of VC dimension at most 2

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    We say that a set system F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subseteq 2^{[n]} shatters a given set S[n]S\subseteq [n] if 2S={FS:FF}2^S=\{F \cap S : F \in \mathcal{F}\}. The Sauer inequality states that in general, a set system F\mathcal{F} shatters at least F|\mathcal{F}| sets. Here we concentrate on the case of equality. A set system is called shattering-extremal if it shatters exactly F|\mathcal{F}| sets. In this paper we characterize shattering-extremal set systems of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension 22 in terms of their inclusion graphs, and as a corollary we answer an open question from \cite{VC1} about leaving out elements from shattering-extremal set systems in the case of families of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension 22.Comment: 20 page

    A note on Alon's combinatorial Nullstellensatz

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    Shattering-Extremal Set Systems of Small VC-Dimension

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    We say that a set system F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subseteq 2^{[n]} shatters a given set S[n]S\subseteq [n] if 2S=FS:FF2^S={F \cap S : F \in \mathcal{F}}. The Sauer inequality states that in general, a set system F\mathcal{F} shatters at least F|\mathcal{F}| sets. Here we concentrate on the case of equality. A set system is called shattering-extremal if it shatters exactly F|\mathcal{F}| sets. We characterize shattering extremal set systems of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension 1 in terms of their inclusion graphs. Also from the perspective of extremality, we relate set systems of bounded Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension to their projections.Comment: 17 page

    Incomplete pairwise comparison matrices and weighting methods

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    A special class of preferences, given by a directed acyclic graph, is considered. They are represented by incomplete pairwise comparison matrices as only partial information is available: for some pairs no comparison is given in the graph. A weighting method satisfies the linear order preservation property if it always results in a ranking such that an alternative directly preferred to another does not have a lower rank. We study whether two procedures, the Eigenvector Method and the Logarithmic Least Squares Method meet this axiom. Both weighting methods break linear order preservation, moreover, the ranking according to the Eigenvector Method depends on the incomplete pairwise comparison representation chosen